• Peru Naranajuyaku Community Lot

Peru Naranjuyacu Community Lot

Peru Naranjuyacu Espresso Roast

Peru Naranjuyacu Community Lot

In the coffee game, ingredients like this are very popular. The altitude is responsible for the sweet acidity, but the solubility and easy brewing nature of coffees like the Peru Naranjuyacu Community Lot just work for so many of us. Although this is not similar to Cipreses, it promises to be as popular as Organic Honduras. If you are intimidated by how to pronounce the wonderful name above, phonetically it sounds like nar-an-hu-ya-koo. Easier now?

Country: Peru

Department: Cajamarca

Cooperative: Amoju

Province: Cutervo
District:Santo Domingo de la Capilla
Average Farm size:1.5 hectares

Certification:(when sold as) Organic

Main Varieties: Red and Yellow Caturra, Pache, Catimor, Typica, Bourbon

Altitude:1700 to 1900 meters above sea level
Main Harvest period: August – September

Processing: Washed
Drying:5 to 10 days

Roast: Espresso

Espresso Potential:

9oz Milk-based drink

Herbal, Milk-chocolate rich caramel

6oz Milk-based drink

Big savoury depth, cosy dark chocolate.


White fruit sugars, dark chocolate.

Espresso Recipe:


17-18g of coffee into 34-36g of espresso liquid 25-30 seconds


17-18g into 45-50g of espresso liquid in 30-35 seconds.


Farm Stuff

Naranjuyaku is part of the Amoju cooperative. The name Naranjuyacu is a name made from two languages. Naranjo/u (Orange in Spanish) and Yaku (water in Quechua). So we have Orange water. This lot is named after that village in Santo Domingo de la Capilla.

The Amoju cooperative was founded in 2016 and translates to “source of fresh water” in Awajun. On so many levels when you don’t have water, you don’t have coffee! Historically the local area is more known for growing potatoes, yukka, corn, and cattle.  Coffee has been a relatively recent addition to agriculture in Santo Domingo de la Capilla.

In 2013-14, there was terrible leaf rust throughout Peru. By moving production to higher altitudes, the rust was less of a problem and the coffee was even better. in 2016 the government incentivised coffee producers, by giving them. free plants, such as catimor, caturra and typica varietals.

The Aoju cooperative started working with agroforestry, to help producers combat weed problems and make better use of their land. Between them, they found logical ways of growing food and cash crops amongst their coffee plantations, encouraging better soil health, fewer weed issues with better food security.

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